
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


"Shhh" whispered the children in Room 9. Grace's mum brought a rabbit to school. Grace got the rabbit for her birthday because she wanted a pet. The rabbit is called Fluffy. Fluffy is very cute.
Shared writing by Room 9

"Shhh" said the children. Grace's mum got Grace a rabbit on Grace's birthday. She was cute.

"Shhh" went Grace "Fluffy is sleeping and you have to be quiet because Fluffy is sleeping and I am being quiet." Fluffy is Grace's rabbit.

"Shhh" said the children in Room 9. We need to be quiet in Room 9 for now. Fluffy is Grace's pet.

Grace got a white rabbit for her birthday. Today Grace brought her rabbit into our classroom. The rabbit is called Fluffy and we could pat her. She felt so soft. Fluffy has red eyes. Fluffy likes to eat carrots, apples and grass. Grace's mum bought Fluffy at the pet shop in Havelock North.
Mark and Julia

Fluffy came in our class. Fluffy was cute. She was a white rabbit. It's eyes were red. She felt really soft.

I saw Fluffy. Fluffy is my favourite rabbit. She is my birthday present from my mum. She sits on the grass.

This is Fluffy. She eats grass and Grace got a rabbit for her birthday. 

"Sniff, sniff, sniff" went Fluffy the rabbit. Fluffy was very cute. Grace brought Fluffy in Room 9. Fluffy was white. Fluffy is Grace's pet and Grace got her for her birthday.

"Squeak, squeak" went Fluffy the rabbit. Grace got Fluffy for her birthday present from her mum. Fluffy is white. She is not allowed to eat spinach. 

"Shhh" said the children in Room 9. Grace's mum bought it from the pet shop because she wanted a pet rabbit called Fluffy. She is very cute.
Kate R

The rabbit is cute. The rabbit is called Fluffy.

"Quiet" said the children in Room 9 because there is a rabbit. Grace got the rabbit for her birthday present. It is cute.

Today Grace brought her rabbit in. Her name was Fluffy. Her mum brought her rabbit in. She was cute. Grace got it for her birthday. Grace's mum bought it from the pet shop.
Kate C

Shhhh. The rabbit is called Fluffy.

I liked her paws because she used them for jumping.

Today Grace's mum brought in a rabbit. It's name was Fluffy. It was cute. She got it from the pet shop.

Fluffy is Grace's pet. Grace got the rabbit for her birthday.

Grace brought a pet in to show for news. The rabbit is called Fluffy.

Strike at HNP

We were lucky enough to have a visit from Strike at Havelock North Primary. We loved hearing the different rhythms and sounds make by the different percussion instruments. They were very loud!